Miller | 5 out of 5 Stars!

all was good!!! Will buy more. They do zip together and pretty easy-to-use and zip....depends on your canopy though.
Franciscus | 5 out of 5 Stars!

.low and behold, it's camping so yes it rained...all day on our last day.. Our stuff stayed dry and these held up pretty good.
Jacqueline  | 5 out of 5 Stars!

After ordering 3 different sets I finally found these, and am so glad I did! They are so easy to put up, zip together, and work great.
Hibbard | 5 out of 5 Stars!

It works wonderfully! Not meant to sustain days of high winds but perfect for a gentle breeze! Cuts the sun rays down tremendously.
Neeley  | 5 out of 5 Stars!

I like that you can add to it and it has zippers and you can also velcrow it over your display tables at events. Great sun block makes it much cooler.